Artist Project 2023

I was invited to participate in Artist Project 2023 exhibiting some of my current oil paintings. The show ran from April 13th to April 16th, 2023. It was an unseasonably hot weekend, combined with a few Toronto sporting events and a baby show next door, which brought a lot of people out.

Jordin Mimran - Booth #213

On the Thursday night, an opening party brought out the public relations and influencers of the city. I had so many friends and family attend to support me and appreciate art, it was a great experience. In total, I had 14 pieces in the show - my newest life-sized portraits, which I think were among the largest paintings at the show, a series of 6 abstract, black and white paintings that appealed to the interior designer crowd, and 2 lifestyle paintings of trendy destinations, which I think were the most popular works in my booth.

Located at the Better Living Center in Toronto's CNE, there were over 200 other artists showing their work along side me. I also got a chance to meet some amazing painters from around Canada, including Gord MacDonald (Halifax), Andrew Cheddie Sookrah (Toronto) and Martin Murphy (Vancouver) who were all part of the event.

Despite some spelling issues on my name, I was flattered that The Globe And Mail included me in their round up of artists to see at the event. They even included a mention of one of my collectors, which I thought was really nice. Check out the full article here

Overall Artist Project 2023 was a great experience and I hope to do it again next year.



Chasing Rembrandt Through New York City.


In Search of the Masters of Boston.